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Well, here I am, post hysterectomy and wanting to lactate for my husband. I just started Goat's Rue, have another supplement and breast pump being delivered today. I tried fenugreek previously, but it gave me headaches. I've never nursed before so I don't know what to expect, or how to know if I'm starting to produce milk (other than the obvious). Are there any pre-signals the supplements, pumping and suckling are working, or does the milk just "show up"? I mean, will my nipples or breasts start to look engorged, or will they be sore? Anyone in this situation with experience, or recommendations? Thanks!
I start experiencing intense letdown. I get pain in my armpits, my breasts increase in size, and my nipples get tougher and stand more erect all the time. All signs of changes in breast tissue to accommodate milk. But, truthfully, I've never succeeded in producing more than drops. I hear mixed opinions. Some people say it just takes longer without hormones & Dom. Others say you're unlikely to produce much milk without those things. I have been told pumping at least 4 times a day is the threshold. Suckling is better. And, I believe the key is getting your head in a space to convince your body to produce milk. Think about making milk. Think about feeding babies. The more you're committed, mentally, the more responsive your body will be.
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