What We Have ?

Customer Support

Thank you very much for reading this, it will take around 5 minutes. We like to say a few words from our experience giving support to our value customers. Before you open a new support ticket you might want to browse through our knowledge section before registering and submitting a help ticket you may find the answer to your questions there. We have certain rules when we handle a support request from you: Try to be as personal as possible. It is never the customers fault, ever! We try to provide the best experience, like we would like to receive support. We try to be patience and calm in every ticket. Respond as fast as possible Use none technical words in our response The problem is it does not always work, specially when we receive a support request that contains: Offensive and impolite text Text all in capital letters or part of it Sent bad ratings and then asking for support Trying to blackmail us Yes it is sad, but we receive this more and more from customers writing the first time to us. Always remember, writing offensive text is like shouting to someone on the road you don't know, same for writing everything in capital letters. Sending a bad rating before asking for support is like pushing someone around you never seen before and found out later it is actually a nice person.  This makes it very hard for us to follow our support guideline, but we will try our best! Thank you very much for reading this.

How to use the support Area

Anyone can view knowledge base at any time but to submit a support ticket you must register, you must submit a ticket if you want us to be able to accommodate you, No ticket no support help. Please use your Anrelationships username and email when registering that way we can find your account and address your issues, without that we won't be able to help you since we won't be able to find your profile.

Support Hours

Support Hours Monday - Friday: 8am - 4 PM Off hours, Weekends, Holidays we may take up to 24 to 48 hours to get back a reply to your support ticket

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